A new fund has been set up to benefit Eryri communities.

The Cronfa Cymunedau Eryri Communities Fund (CCECF) is a fund for the benefit of communities in and around Eryri, and has a number of themes such as green infrastructure, improved access to recreation for health and wellbeing, energy production, decarbonisation, local environmental improvements such as litter and waste management, community development and the Welsh language.

Gwenno Jones, park authority community engagement officer, said: “The national park authority recognises the importance it plays in protecting our local communities. Through the fund, the authority will give these communities the opportunity to develop projects of their own that will contribute to a sustainable future for all.”

The fund’s projects will be led by the communities themselves with the support of the authority, and applications will be considered by the panel if they comply with the themes such as green energy, improved access to health and wellbeing, projects to support mental and physical wellbeing, waste management, community development and the Welsh language.

Grants between £5,000 and £20,000 will be provided to projects that meet the criteria.