FLU and COVID-19 can be dangerous, especially for certain people, such as those with long term health conditions. In Wales last year, nearly 2,000 people were admitted to hospital with flu.
Over 467,000 people in Wales are classed as clinically at risk, which includes people with conditions such as asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), diabetes, liver or respiratory disease.

Dr Christopher Johnson, Consultant Epidemiologist and Head of Public Health Wales’ Vaccine Preventable Disease Programme explains, “Many people with common conditions like asthma or diabetes may not consider themselves to be clinically at risk, but flu can be serious for people with existing health conditions.
“It is well known that having a flu vaccine every year is one of the most effective ways to protect against flu. Likewise, the COVID-19 autumn vaccination extends the protection against serious illness. Any side effects from the vaccinations are normally mild and don’t last long.”

You can also protect your children aged two and three years as well as school aged children up to and including year 11 by making sure they get the free, painless nasal spray flu vaccine every year.
Search ‘Public Health Wales Vaccines’ to find out if you are eligible.