NFU Cymru has launched a report in the Senedd outlining young Welsh farmers’ policy priorities to ensure a bright future for the industry in Wales.

Tuesday saw NFU Cymru launch its Framing the Future for the Next Generation report at the Senedd, as part of its celebration of Celebration of Welsh Food and Farming Week activities, a week-long proactive campaign aimed at promoting all that’s great about Welsh food and agriculture to politicians, stakeholders and the wider public.­

Returning after a successful first year of activities, the timing of NFU Cymru’s Celebration of Welsh Food and Farming Week this year is particularly significant given that the Agriculture (Wales) Bill is currently making its way through the Senedd’s legislative process. Once passed, the Agriculture (Wales) Act will establish the framework for future agricultural policy and will define farming in Wales for a generation or more.

NFU Cymru’s document celebrates the contribution of young farmers in Wales and features key recommendations as to how Welsh Government can support the next generation of farmers in Wales.

To illustrate some of the issues affecting Wales’ young farmers, the new report features case study profiles of four members of NFU Cymru’s Next Generation Group, all of whom are currently forging a future for themselves in the agricultural industry.

As well as showcasing each farmer’s story and progression through the industry, the report also seeks to shine a light on the challenges they have faced.