A former slate workshop looks set to be developed into a new and “innovative” dining experience.

Gwynedd Council planners have approved - with conditions -the creation of a “food and drink destination” at the Criccieth Craft Centre on the Maes.

The building is located within 500m of Criccieth Castle, and the castle’s Outer Bank Defences.

But heritage watchdog CADW stated the planned development would have “no impact” on the historic features of the town.

“The proposed alterations may be visible from the scheduled monument in views back from the castle over the town,” it stated.

“However, the minor change will be seen in the context of the surrounding palimpsest of the surrounding townscape.

“As such whilst there may be a very slight visual change in the view from the monument this will not have any effect on the way that it is experienced, understood, and appreciated.

“Consequently, the proposed development will have no impact on the setting of scheduled monument.”

Planners had agreed to a change of use of a slate workshop to allow for hot food and drink use.

In a statement, the applicant said the centre would bring an “innovative venue to the heart of Criccieth town”.

It would also act as “an incubator for numerous local businesses”, they said.

The project would provide space for five independent local food operators, available on a fixed term lease within the premises, to provide “a range of exciting and diverse dining options,” the plans said.

There would also be “pop-up” shop space available for local companies to trade and a bar serving hot and cold drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Planners also approved a proposal to replace an asbestos sheet roof and reconfigure various openings and rooflights.

The site’s planning history had previously seen various applications relating to the historic industrial/retail use of the site.

Permission was granted in 2022 to demolish the existing buildings and build a mixed use development, comprising hot food and drink, retail and other uses.

“The ongoing commercial use of the site and the introduction of hot food and drink has therefore been established as acceptable,” the plans had stated.

Another permission had also previously been granted to create a parking space on land to the rear of the centre.