A petition has been launched calling for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board to be disbanded.

North Wales residents unhappy with Betsi can sign the petition, calling for the board to be broken up into smaller organisations, on the Welsh Parliament website.

Currently, 490 people have signed the petition. Petitions on this website must have 250 signatures to be discussed by the Welsh Government’s petitions committee. A total of 10,000 signatures ensures they are considered for debate in the Senedd.

The petition, created by Stefan Coghlan, reads: “BCUHB has had a series of chief executives and executives who have without exception failed to grapple the huge organisational disaster that is Betsi care.

“Vascular services, stroke services, disastrous Accident and Emergency waits, Mental Health and crippling waiting times for planned surgery are not being dealt with sufficient urgency.

“The people of north Wales have been let down.

“The scrutiny of board decisions goes unchallenged, and patients are suffering unnecessarily.

“It’s time to admit that the organisation is far too big and unwieldy to respond to the challenges it faces and break it up into smaller geographical units that respond to the needs of their local populations.”

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board declined to comment on the petition.

The petition can be found at https://petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/245269?fbclid=IwAR0OML7EEk79tpj-X3sQ57os3P28fb7DvPRYesA62cItQxouI0C2t5DBVCU