Plans to erect a “gargantuan eyesore“ 5G phone mast more than 70 feet high on one of the largest holiday camps in Ceredigion would be “a blight on the view of residents,” it has been claimed.

Freshwave Facilities Limited wants to erect a mast and ancillary antennae reaching a maximum height of 23.14 metres, to boost the Vodaphone signal, at Quay West Holiday Park, New Quay. Agent Rapleys, in a supporting statement submitted to Ceredigion planners, says the mast will both boost the signal in the caravan park and allow the continued provision of 3G and 4G mobile connections to the surrounding area, adding: “The consequence of not doing so is that users of the network would find that the services they previously had access to are either limited or removed.

“The installation would also provide improved 5G services for Vodafone, introducing ultra-fast mobile connectivity capable of operating the ‘Internet of Things’. This new infrastructure will provide much higher mobile down-load speeds and more reliable, quicker phone connections.”

However, many local residents have expressed their concerns at the plans.

Henry Dent has formally objected to the development, saying the “general incongruous external appearance, will ensure the structure is clearly visible from distant views across New Quay and from the coastline”.

Loren Bromley said: “Ty Halen is our cherished family home that we have personally built from the ground up. It beggars’ belief that we find ourselves in this unimaginable situation, where we are being subjected to the erection of a 23-metre 5G monopole tower on what is essentially the bottom of our garden.

“We have been provided with sound and professional advice from a reputable local estate agent within recent days, where they have informed us that given this gargantuan eyesore will sit directly on and adjacent to our boundary line, it will result in a significant devaluation of our property, leaving us in negative equity through no fault of our own.”

Leigh Cooper, of Coopers Roofing said the proposal should be sited “out of view of local residents that have paid good money to live in New Quay”.

John Weston said: “Not only will it be a blight on the view of residents in the area, it will also affect wildlife terribly. Not to mention the detrimental effects 5G radiation can have on humans.”

There is also support for the plans. Amy Wolfs said: “Fantastic idea. If we wish to be a borough that is proud of our tourism and hospitality, technological advances are essential.”

Graham Blunden also was in favour of the application, saying “it will improve mobile data coverage in what can be a very congested area especially during the summer months. As to health concerns, there really isn’t anything to fear. 5G signals are non-ionising as they are way below the harmful part of the spectrum.”