An application for a house in a Ceredigion village have been backed by county council planners after an affordable housing contribution was included.

The scheme submitted by Enfys Davies for the dwelling at Pencoed, Pentre’r Bryn had previously been recommended for refusal when it came before planners in March, in part due to a lack of an affordable housing contribution, but was deferred pending a site visit and a meeting of the council’s ‘cooling off’ panel.

A report before members at the May meeting of Ceredigion’s development management committee said the ‘cooling off’ panel, meeting in early April, considered the application site to be acceptable for development, with the main discussion being whether it should be an open market dwelling or an affordable dwelling.

Either way, it was agreed that the scale of the dwelling should be reduced.

The report put before members added: “The agent has advised that the applicant agrees for the dwelling to be changed to an affordable dwelling and that the gross internal floor area would be no more than 137 sq.m.”

At the May committee meeting members approved granting planning permission for an affordable dwelling subject to conditions and a Section 106 agreement.