AHEAD of the implementation of the Wales wide 20mph speed limit in built up areas on 17 September tweaks are set to be made to the speed limits of some Powys roads.

In July 2022 the Welsh Government passed legislation which will see the speed limit on residential, built-up streets drop from 30mph to 20mph throughout Wales.

The Welsh Government has said that having a 20mph default speed limit is expected to result in 40 per cent fewer road collisions.

A consultation took place from June 30 to July 21 which asked for Powys residents views on roads that will be the “exception” to the 20mph traffic orders.

Nearly 250 stretches of road in the county were included in the consultation.

In total 28 objections were made.

The report explains that two objections were received for the proposal to remove the restricted road designation of a small section of the B4520 in Pwllgloyw near Brecon.

A further 26 objections were received for 10 separate areas in Powys that were proposed to be keep the 30mph limit.

This resulted in recommendations for three of the objections to be supported, one partially supported but the rest rejected.

The report said that a further 29 general comments were received.

These varied from objecting to the Welsh Government’s 20mph limit to asking for other roads to be brought into the consultation.

The council’s traffic and travel manager Tony Caine said: “Those have been responded to directly and the recipient advised they have not been taken as objections thus not included within this process.”