The first conference for mid Wales businesses held at AberInnovation has been deemed a success.

Aberystwyth Business School organised the conference on Aberystwyth University’s Gogerddan campus and over 60 delegates representing 30 different organisations attended. They included a range of companies and advisory groups such as Mid Wales Manufacturing Group, Antur Cymru and Business Wales who also had stands at the conference.

Carwyn Jones-Evans from Ceredigion Country Council opened the day speaking about the Mid Wales Growth Deal for Powys and Ceredigion-based companies and the opportunities this gave them.

University researchers paired with regional companies such as Delineate, CAT, Honno and Paveaways, discussing topics such as community, well-being and sustainability.

Holly Savage from the Smart Towns project was there to further advise companies in this area. Delegates had plenty of networking opportunities and chance to detail their business challenges for the LPIP team to pick up and work with and communicate results back to them.

The day concluded with a talk from the CEO of AberInnovation, Rhian Hayward MBE, and a tour of the centre, including the bio-refining facility.