Barmouth WI met in Parlwr Mawr at the Dragon Theatre on Wednesday, 26 April and heard from members of Cambrian Beach Guardians.

Members heard how six players and two supporters had travelled to Bala Golf Club to compete in the darts singles competition on 24 April.

Five won the first round of the games, and eventually Mari and Rose got through to the semi-finals.

The final was very exciting with Rose coming runner-up to Glenys Davies from Frongoch.

It was a long but enjoyable evening with good food and good company.

Forthcoming events include a ramble along the Mawddach Trail on 3 May, the Spring Council in Llanelltyd on 9 May and flat-green bowls in Barmouth on 23 May.

The guest speakers were Diana Treganza and Sarah Tibbets.

They, with Tina Triggs, are a trio of ladies called Cambrian Beach Guardians and cover the area from Penrhyndeudraeth to Penmaenpool.

They are part of the global group called Sea Shepherd Volunteers.

Not only do they clear the beaches of litter they go into schools to educate the children on the harm that discarded litter, especially plastics, can do to wildlife, who mistake these items for food.

A variety of collected items were on display which included plastic bottles, bottle tops, crisp packets and discarded fisherman’s ropes, lines etc.

A plastic toy and a crisp packet still in recognisable condition have been found dating back to the 1950s.

It is estimated that it takes at least 600 years for plastic to disintegrate, and meanwhile fish and birds are being contaminated and it is known that humans now have plastic in their bloodstream.

Diana and Sarah emphasised that we all need to drastically reduce our use of plastics and make personal choices to use alternatives, and to recycle as much as possible.

The good news is that in Wales it will soon be illegal for suppliers to use single-use plastic.

Members were definitely left with much to think about this very serious topic.

The next meeting on 24 May will be ‘The Caribbean from a Cruise’ with David Brown. The competition is for a holiday souvenir. Visitors are welcome to attend.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]