Rheidol Place Amenity Centre's committee served hot dogs to the club’s members to celebrate Halloween in Aberystwyth on 31 October.

Mark Williams, former Ceredigion MP and now prospective Liberal Democrat candidate for Ceredigion Preseli, came along to give a very interesting talk about the badly underfunded services of care for the elderly of Aberystwyth and the wider community.

This once again proved how dedicated he is to the people of Ceredigion, the committee said. He also stayed on to call the raffle prize numbers.

In the Q and A session that followed, top agenda items were policing in the immediate area and the provision of care and health services for the elderly.

Mr Williams congratulated the centre’s committee on their dedicated service to local residents combatting social isolation and wished them well on their National Lottery Fund application.

The next outing is the annual Christmas shopping trip on 21 November, this year to Cheshire Oaks. A few coach seats are still available at a cost of £10 each; free to members. Call Ruth on 07899 006347 for availability.

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