Gwynedd Council is backing Foster Wales' call for Welsh employers to support carers. 

Every day in Wales there are five children in need of foster care.

 As families across the country struggle with the ongoing cost of living crisis, Foster Wales is calling on employers in Wales to become ‘fostering friendly’, in hope of addressing the misconception that you cannot continue working if you become a foster carer.

 This Foster Care Fortnight TM (15-28 May) local authority fostering services in Wales are calling on the wider business community to lend their support and make it easier for their employees to combine fostering and working.

 According to the Fostering Network, the UK’s leading fostering charity, nearly 40 per cent of foster carers combine fostering with other work and their ‘fostering friendly’ policy encourages employers to provide flexibility and time off for employees who are prospective foster carers and are going through the application process.

The scheme also supports employees who are already foster carers, to allow time off for training, attendance at panels, to settle a new child into their home and to respond to any emergencies which may arise.

Having the support of an employer may make the vital difference in the decision of an employee to become a foster carer.

Marian Parry Hughes, head of Children and Family Support Department at Gwynedd Council said: "Reaching out to local employers to be fostering friendly is one of many things we are doing to support our foster carers in Gwynedd. Maethu Cymru Gwynedd has recently launched the Foster Carers Charter to show how we respect the foster carer role, empower foster carers in day-to-day decision-making and value their vital knowledge of the child as part of our team.” 

Manon and Deio work full time as well as being part time foster carers in Gwynedd by offering short breaks. 

"We work as full-time teachers and foster children at weekends and during school holidays to offer parents a short break and give local children with disabilities new experiences," said Manon. 

"Fostering is flexible, there is no pressure and we get to choose how often we offer the service. It is a privilege to have children to stay with us and to be part of our family. Helping families and making a difference to the lives of local children is so rewarding."

Head of Foster Wales, Alastair Cope, added: “As the need for foster carers continues to grow, we need our community in Wales to step up.

“We know that when children stay connected, stay local and have someone to stick by them for the long term, we see better outcomes.

“So, if employers in Wales can support their employees in becoming foster carers, local authorities can help more children stay connected to their roots and ultimately, support them towards better futures.”

 To find out more about becoming a foster carer in Gwynedd visit:

 To discover more about becoming a fostering friendly employer in Wales, visit: