A Dyffryn Paith man has been handed a 12 month community order and fined by magistrates after admitting a stalking charge by installing a GPS tracker on a woman’s car to track her location.

Lewis Morgan, of Penglanowen, appeared for sentencing before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 9 May.

The 30-year-old had pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to stalking Lowri Reed in Aberystwyth between 4 June and 2 September 2023.

The court heard that Morgan had “installed a GPS tracker on her vehicle, tracking her location and sending her messages in writing whilst the subject to bail conditions not to contact her.”

Morgan had also denied a charge of assaulting Miss Reed in Aberystwyth on 10 April last year, for which he was found not guilty following a trial at Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court in April.

Morgan was fined £307 by magistrates for the stalking offence.

Magistrates also handed Morgan a 12 month community order to include up to 20 days of rehabilitation activities.

He was also made the subject of a 12 month restraining order.

Morgan must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 as well as a surcharge to fund victim services of £114.