North Wales Fire and Rescue Service (NWFRS) has responded to the statement released by Hannah Blythyn MS on Monday, 11 March regarding the culture and values within Mid and West Wales and North Wales Fire and Rescue Services.

NWFRS say they acknowledge the importance of fostering a positive and supportive workplace environment and the need for public reassurance in this regard.

Chief Fire Officer Dawn Docx said: “We welcome Welsh Government's decision to accept our proposal to review how we are progressing on our cultural journey.

“This is a journey we embarked upon two years ago and we recognise the importance of external assurance, scrutiny, and challenge in our ongoing progress. We believe it is crucial to seek external validation and input to ensure that we continue on the right path.

“This is therefore an opportunity for continued self-reflection and improvement – a process which we began by conducting our own confidential staff survey and by also embracing the learning from other fire and rescue services.

“We understand that cultural transformation is not something we can achieve alone. It takes collaboration with our staff, with our stakeholders and with other fire and rescue services. We are committed to working closely with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to appoint an external person to conduct the review – a collaborative approach which will ensure a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of our progress.

“We remain dedicated to excellence and continuous improvement and welcome the opportunity for external scrutiny as it aligns with our commitment to transparency and accountability. This will help us identify areas of strength and areas for growth, ultimately enhancing our service delivery and community engagement.

“The wellbeing and experiences of our staff are of utmost importance. No-one should feel uncomfortable in raising any concerns, and they can opt to do so confidentially via an independent hotline - I promise they will always be taken seriously and there is also a wealth of support available.

“Our cultural journey began with our staff, through our first independent staff survey which laid the groundwork for positive change and now as we work through our most recent staff survey results, the voices of staff will continue to guide us.

“I want to express my gratitude for the ongoing hard work and dedication of our staff and provide assurance to the public that we will navigate this process with integrity and professionalism.”