Cambrian Floral Society members enjoyed a lovely afternoon when David Birchall gave a splendid demonstration entitled ’Flowers to Music’.

Not only was it a joy to watch his expertise but also to hear his choice of music and see the colourful arrangements for each display.

David, a long-time friend of the club, donated all the displays to the monthly raffle.

Members shared a lovely tea which reminded them all of the time they spent at David’s home in August.

Marian, the chairperson, thanked David sincerely for his demonstration and hoped he would make a return visit in the future.

The next meeting is on 31 October at 2.30pm in Llanbadarn Church Hall. This will be a practical afternoon when each member will demonstrate their own skill at flower arranging. It will be based on a Halloween theme.

Tea will be served by Mai and Pat. Visitors will be made very welcome.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]