As the days grow shorter, and thoughts of hibernation and hiding indoors creep in, the thought of braving the outdoors may be off putting.

However, getting up and getting outdoors can help us to feel better in many ways. It doesn’t need to be a jog or a run, the benefits of a stroll in nature are well known – supporting both our mental and physical wellbeing.

Recognising that taking that first step outdoors, or making time for a stroll, can be something that slips to the bottom of our to-do list, teams from Hywel Dda University Health Board and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David are hoping to provide some encouragement through a new scheme – Wednesday Walks.

From 25 October onwards, there is an open invitation for members of the Lampeter community, and those from further afield, to join in a weekly walk in the park at 1pm every Wednesday.

The walk will start and finish at the Lloyd Thomas Refectory, UWTSD Lampeter campus, and everyone who takes part in the walk will be offered a free cup of tea or coffee to warm up at the end.

For further information, contact [email protected] or call Hywel Dda on 0300 303 8322 and select option 5.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]