An Aberystwyth-based theatre company and a mental health charity have teamed up to display the creative work of people from the area.

Arad Goch has partnered with Mind Aberystwyth for a creative exhibition. The work of members of Mind Aberystwyth will be displayed in a unique exhibition showing the relationship between art and mental health.

Nia Evans, Arad Goch’s administration manager, said: “Mind have been doing activities here since last summer. They use it three days a week to offer art and other kinds of activities and workshops. Over time we’ve come to know them well, and they’ve come to see here as a home away from home, so as things grew we asked if there was anything we could do to help them and they liked the idea of hosting their own exhibition.

“We saw it as a chance to work together. We saw the work they were producing and saw it as a chance to support them and they’re work. Their work is very unique; each artist has produced something which plays to their strengths, some are incredibly detailed, others are very abstract, there are self portraits and all sorts of things. One of them is a tribute to the NHS with a nurse in the costume of superwoman.”

A spokesperson for Mind Aberystwyth said: “This exhibition was created to showcase some of the artwork from members of Mind, exemplifying the connection between art and mental wellbeing and allowing space for discussions on the importance of creativity and creative spaces in building a strong, resilient headspace.

“This exhibition brings together various artworks contributed by members of Mind Aberystwyth to continue strengthening the partnership with Arad Goch.

“Primarily the artworks have been selected from groups which Mind runs at Arad Goch, our art group, craft group and creative hub. This public display of artwork has been an exciting opportunity to transform a space and we hope may be the beginning of more exhibitions in the future.”

The exhibition is on display until 27 February.