A planning application that threatened to destroy a community’s vital green space has been rejected.

Plans to build homes on green land in Tywyn has already been rejected once, but were resubmitted last year. Michael Bishton, through Spencer Pughe Associates, applied to build four single-storey dwellings on land adjacent to Ffordd Dyfed, an area used by residents there for socialising and fundraising events.

The residents argued that the housing development would spoil the area, affect the community, property prices, and wildlife. Speaking to the Cambrian News last August, Dr John Olsen who lives next to the proposed development area, claimed the plans would “steal some of his land,” adding that “the whole development is an attempt to grab a another pile of cash”.

“There’s a footpath on the plans on my land,” he said. “This land has been set aside as green space for the community for 40 years. Residents have enjoyed unhindered access to this land and for the last 14 years have paid for its upkeep.

“Gwynedd Council has declared a climate emergency and green spaces are more important than ever. There are a dozen different species of flowering plants here that are important for the bees, and birds also feed here. Five of those birds that do are on the RSPB’s red list and six are on their amber list. There are also badgers and foxes here. This area is important for both the wildlife and the people here. It will be a massive visual intrusion if this goes through, quite apart from the impact on the wildlife.

But the application has now been refused, with Gwynedd Council’s planning department stating: “The erection of four dwellings on this site would result in the loss of an existing amenity space, which is an important component of the quality of the urban environment.

“The loss of an existing open space is contrary to the requirements Policy ISA 4 of the adopted Development Plan which seeks to protect public open space and encourages the refusal of proposals that would result in the loss of such resources. In addition, Policy PCYFF 2 requires that proposals incorporate space for existing and future occupiers however, this proposal would remove such resources which would no longer be available for community use and enjoyment. Furthermore, Policy PCYFF 3 expects that full consideration is given to the urban environment context and ensuring that proposals contribute to creating attractive and sustainable places. The siting and scale of the proposal would mean the loss of all this open space detracting from the openness and attractiveness of its location and the overall quality of the local urban context.

“The scale and siting of the proposed dwellings would enclose the existing residential dwellings in an intrusive and oppressive manner which would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the neighbours’ enjoyment of their properties. The proposal is therefore contrary to the objectives of policy PCYFF 2 of the Gwynedd and Anglesey Joint Local Development Plan which relates to protecting the amenities of local residents.”

Jean Hudson helped spearhead the residents’ campaign. Speaking on their behalf, she said: “We are absolutely ecstatic. Hopefully this won’t happen again because we don’t want any more sleepless nights. We would like to thank the planning committee, Cllr John Pugh for his help, and the mayor, Eileen Jones.”