Politicians have praised the work of the 11,850 volunteers in Dwyfor Meirionnydd as they mark annual Volunteers’ Week.

MP Liz Saville Roberts and MS Mabon ap Gwynfor have been finding out more about Volunteers’ Week, which runs from 1-7 June. It is the annual celebration of the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering in their communities. Data from the Charity Commission has identified 11,850 volunteers working across the Dwyfor Meirionnydd area of Gwynedd.

The work of volunteers is vital in allowing local charities to make a difference in their community, the voluntary sector and society as a whole. Volunteers are at the heart of the charity sector, offering their time and energy to help those in need.

Mrs Saville Roberts and Mr ap Gwynfor MS said: "We have been privileged to visit many outstanding charities in Dwyfor Meirionnydd, all of which rely on the dedication of volunteers.

"In Dwyfor Meirionnydd we are extremely fortunate to have thousands of volunteers who carry out fantastic work every day, making a huge difference in our local community."We want to take this opportunity to thank all those who are giving up their time to support local charities and congratulate them on everything they are doing to help these organisations thrive.

"From our own experiences, we know that volunteering has significant personal benefits and generates social value for communities supported.

"From volunteers at local foodbanks, those working in charity shops, to those risking their lives with the RNLI - volunteers are an incredible force for good, delivering real impact and supporting the most vulnerable in society."

Orlando Fraser KC, chair of the Charity Commission, said: "Amidst tightening economic pressures, Volunteers’ Week reminds us that there is more we can give to charity than just money.

"I would like to extend the Charity Commission’s gratitude to volunteers in Dwyfor Meirionnydd, who give their time to improve their community, strengthen society and bring people together.

"Volunteers are the lifeblood of charity, and it is right that they are celebrated and commended for their contribution to our communities."