We are proud of what we do at Cambrian News. We take our journalism seriously, and we are committed to bringing you, the readers of this publication in print and online, the best package of news, entertainment, sports, business farming — all of the events and happenings that contribute to making mid and west Wales a wonderful place to live and work.

Only last month, the Cambrian News was honoured by its peers in Welsh media as the Weekly Newspaper of the Year. It is an honour we wear with pride, one our team of journalists earned by being committed in our reporting of news.

We report that news without fear or favour. There are no sacred cows, and we will tackle issues that need to be addressed, will go the extra mile in our reporting, and dig deeper when required. Unlike others, we are not happy scratching the surface.

We believe in holding the powers that be to account. That is our role — our duty — and we take that very seriously indeed.

If your public representatives or those in positions of authority are failing or acting out of self interest, are more concerned over preserving their domain than serving the people of this region, we will say so.

Trouble is, the administration and senior officials in Ceredigion County Council don’t like being challenged. Why is it that councils in Gwynedd and Powys work reasonably well, without the same introspection and navel gazing underway at Ceredigion?

Ceredigion doesn’t like when the Cambrian News takes aim at inefficiencies, at a waste of council services and money, at the poor way services are being delivered.

They think we are biased when we point out that CEO Eifion Evans dressed down elected representatives and treats them like schoolchildren hauled before the headmaster. That’s the councillors’ own words.

Over recent weeks, Ceredigion has spent a lot of time, money and resources putting together a list of perceived complaints to IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation, complaining about our coverage. Last week, IPSO ruled, dismissing the seven complaints from Ceredigion out of hand.

The council can appeal. We don’t know it if will — but the wording of the ruling is pretty clear and conclusive.

All counts were summarily dismissed.

If this was an attempt to silence or thwart us, it failed. Miserably.

We will continue to report as we do.

Expect more of the same. And more.