Surprise, surprise! The Welsh Government has suddenly done a hand-brake turn and realised it was on the road to nowhere with its blanket 20mph speed restrictions.

They spent £32 million of your money making us slow down. And to reverse a lot of their mistakes, it's not unreasonable to suggest that they'll be dipping into your pockets for another £16 million to put right their wrongs. So why did it take 500,000 people to tell them they were wrong?

Why did they not listen to us all along when we said it couldn't work? Does this whole sad, sorry -- and expensive -- chapter just show how they take us all for fools?

What makes them think they know better? And what part of democracy don't they get? That we are supposed to be in control and they are supposed to act in good faith.

They are the bigger questions that need answering at some stage -- likely the next time you head to the ballot box. And when you do, remember that it was Labour, backed up by Plaid Cymru, who drove this bus over the cliff.

But then there are more basic questions that need to be answered. Right now, the Welsh Government says it will still have the final say on what roads are to be on our busiest roads.

Both the A44 which crosses mid Wales and the A487 coast road are trunk roads and are therefore the responsibility of the Welsh Government and not local authorities. But if you listen to Ken Skates, the new transport minister who thankfully had the sense to revisit this 20 mph madness, local councils and communities will now have the say.

Right now it's a mess of limits that don't make sense. Residents in Bow Street , for example, were surprised in September to find the entire length of the A487 under a 20mph speed limit, with locals dubbing it 'Slow Street'. There's ample support for having 20mph outside schools or nursing homes, community centres or care homes. Just not in blanket stretches.