AN Aberdyfi RNLI volunteer who works as a train driver has welcomed the introduction of a new safety campaign.

Arwel Jones, a full-time TfW train driver, said he is thrilled the RNLI’s safety message is being shared on the side of a train.

A new ‘Float to Live’ message has transformed the side of an Mk4 carriage which can be seen on the tracks from Holyhead to Cardiff.

Arwel said: "Having the opportunity to share simple lifesaving messages like ‘Float to Live’ every day to those using public transport could make a big difference – it’s an easy message that could save a passengers’ life if they find themselves in trouble in the water.

"It’s been an exceptionally busy period for volunteers across Wales and with the good weather predicted this week, we are hoping people will take heed of this advice which really help to save someone’s life."

Arwel has a personal reason for wanting to share the ‘Float To Live’ message, as he explained.

"Last summer I, along with a group of friends who were windsurfing on the beach, rescued children in the estuary off Aberdyfi when they got caught in a rip current.

"Thanks to my RNLI training, I instantly shouted for them to lie on their backs and float until help arrived.

"This small move would buy them time until my friends and I could reach them.

"I hope this message and vital advice will now be shared far and wide as it really could help saves lives."

RNLI fundraising and partnership manager Nick Evans is thrilled that one of the campaign’s key message has been exposed to a new audience.

He said: "With its stunning scenery and spectacular beaches, people have been flocking to the Welsh coastline this summer, with many arriving by rail.

"Having this exciting new platform to share our messages is fantastic and we’re so grateful to all those who voted and to Transport for Wales for giving us this opportunity."