This month Aberystwyth Inner Wheel members visited Penparcau Hub for an inspiring and informative talk by Jenny Jenkins and Phil Westbury of the Voluntary Ukrainian Support Organisation based there.

Members saw first-hand the efforts of communities in Penparcau, Aberystwyth and Ceredigion who donate much-needed items for displaced families of war-torn Ukraine. These items are sorted, boxed and transported by volunteers.

The items include quality medical equipment, including trauma packs and bandages. There are generators and chainsaws but also nappies and toiletries, formula milk and wet wipes, all gratefully received.

The amazing team of knitters based in Wales and UK-wide knit trauma teddies who are named by sponsors and sent to war-affected children.

Members saw the photos/videos of the smiles on the faces of children receiving them.

They were pleased to donate warm socks they will send to help ward off trench foot and give cash to help with transport and other costs for the organisation

After the reminders of the continuing needs in Ukraine members felt privileged to have warm soup and baguettes in the Hub’s kitchen.

Phil and Jenny will welcome anyone who would like more information on this amazing place and their work.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]