A nursery in Aberystwyth is celebrating after getting the thumbs up from inspectors.

A Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) inspection of Meithrinfa Camau Bach Nursery, released last week, praises the nursery as “warm, welcoming and accessible.”

The report says that leadership at the nursery the leadership have an “excellent vision and a sense of purpose that sustains improvements and promotes excellent outcomes for the children.”

“The team of staff work very hard to provide quality care for the children and their families and is enthusiastic, motivated and enjoy their work,” the report adds.

“The nursery is warm, welcoming and accessible to all.”

The report added that children "are extremely happy in the setting and feel valued."

"Children benefit from an excellent range of age-appropriate play and learning resources," the report added, and "have excellent opportunities to develop their independence.”

Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin which owns the nursery, said that staff “are working diligently to ensure that young children attending Meithrinfa Camau Bach Nursery have the best start in life.”