Aberystwyth University of the Third Age group meets from 2.30pm to 4.30pm in the Ceredigion Museum on the third Thursday of every month, bar August.

The meetings are held upstairs but there is a lift from the tourist information area at street level.

They usually have guest speakers, who cover a wide variety of subjects.

For more details, including membership forms and contacts for the special interest groups, visit the website at u3asites.org.uk/aberystwyth/­welcome

Dr Hannah Dee, senior lecturer in computer science at Aberystwyth University, will speak at the next meeting on 20 April at 2.30pm on the topic ‘Cybersecurity: things you need to know’.

At the AGM on 16 March a new committee was elected, followed by an interactive session with Sarah Greener of Cymru Versus Arthritis.

Sarah outlined the range of resources available to support all those living with a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions, including fibromyalgia, gout, lupus, back pain, osteoporosis as well as all forms of arthritis, together with details of the CWTCH (Communities Working Together Can Help) Cymru project, funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Cymru Versus Arthritis.

More information, exercises and resources can be found on their website at www.versusarthritis.org/in-your-area/wales/

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]