People are invited to Over the Rainbow in Tanygroes this Sunday for an introduction to the Voices from the Edge project.

Between 11am and 4pm visitors can find out more about the project, which celebrates global majority cultures and heritage in west Wales.

There will be an opportunity to enjoy music, food, and art workshops all free of charge. An attendance fee and travel costs will be paid through the Association of Independent Museums and Welsh Government’s Collections grant.

"The aim of the event is to take the first step towards improving understanding and developing stronger links between Ceredigion Museum and global majority communities," a project spokesperson said.

"Together we can share different experiences of living in west Wales as well as sharing our individual and collective cultures with others. If you can’t attend on the day, please get in touch with Rose [contact details below] for details of future events."

Project coordinator Rose Thorn said: "This event is part of a project which will create a creative partnership able to support other projects in the cuseum in the future. It will ensure the presence of a global majority voice at Ceredigion Museum and improve access to Welsh culture and heritage."

Ceredigion Museum curator Carrie Canham added: "Voices from the Edge is the museum's first step to improve understanding of global majority people who live and work in rural west Wales. We hope that the project will enable us to give a voice to people from the global majority and make it easier to consult more widely on our work, giving everyone a sense of belonging".

Cllr Catrin M S Davies, cabinet member with responsibility for culture, said: "We are very grateful to the Association of Independent Museums and the Welsh Government for their support for this project. This work will contribute to the Wales Anti-Racism Action Plan and our commitment as a County Council to equality and diversity. I'm looking forward to seeing how the project develops." 

The first meeting of Voices from the Edge will be held at Over the Rainbow, Tanygroes, this Sunday (24 September) between 11am-4pm. To book a place or to find out more, email Rose Thorn at [email protected] or by calling 07815 678 762.

 This project operates through funding from the Association of Independent Museums and the Welsh Government.