Attendance figures at a cinema in Gwynedd have dropped at an “alarming” rate, so the team behind it are turning to the public for help.

The Magic Lantern Cinema on Corbett Square in Tywyn is appealing to people to share their thoughts on the venue.

In a post on their Facebook page, they explained the situation and asked for feedback.

The post says: “Please could you lovely people let us know your thoughts?

“This time of year is always quite tough but the last few months have seen our attendance figures drop to quite alarming numbers. We frequently have only 2-10 people in to watch a film. (Not counting the Christmas Holidays which were fab!!)

“Could you help us work out why so we can see if there is anything we can do?

“If you haven’t been for a while is it just because there hasn’t been a film on you wanted to watch? Are you saving money/avoiding non essential spending? Do you not like coming out on a cold dark night? Have you not seen our programmes and not known what’s on?

“Any feedback/suggestions at all would be so helpful and gratefully received.”

The Magic Lantern look forward to hearing from you.