A Meirionnydd cinema will hold a clothes swap to support local good causes.

The Magic Lantern in Tywyn will hold the event following the screening of the documentary, Fashion Reimagined.

The film will be shown this Sunday, 26 March, at 3pm, and clothes can be donated until then.

“We are open one hour before any film screening and we will give you a token for every item you donate,” a cinema spokesperson said.

“You can use these tokens to ‘buy’ clothes at the swap.

“Clothes will also be on sale with all proceeds going to local causes.”

The clothes swapping event ties in with the ethos of Fashion Reimagined. Fashion designer Amy Powney of cult label Mother of Pearl was raised off-the-grid in rural England by activist parents.

She feels uneasy about the environmental impact of her industry and when she won the coveted Vogue award for the Best Young Designer of the Year, Amy used the prize money to create a sustainable collection from field to finished garment, and transform her entire business.

Over the following three years, her own personal revolution becomes the precursor of a much bigger, societal change.