THE latest community news from Llanwnnen

Women’s Institute

ON Monday evening, 1 October, Llanwnnen WI held their annual general meeting at Capel-y-Groes Vestry and had the company of Brenda Wright and Carole Lovell, WI advisers.

During the evening they highlighted the work and opportunities offered by the Ceredigion Federation and the various trips and courses organised by the National Federation at Denman College.

Carol Thomas presided at the meeting and along with Ann Hughes, secretary, gave a brief report of the year’s activities.

Ceinwen Roach, treasurer, also gave a report on the transactions of accounts.

The officers for 2018/19 were then elected and the current officers were all re-elected to their posts: president – Carol Thomas; vice-presidents – Gwen Davies and Avril Jones; secretary – Ann Hughes; treasurer – Ceinwen Roach; programme secretary – Gwen Davies and Ann Hughes; responsible for the tea and raffles – Doris and Glenys Jones; press reporter – Carol Thomas; representatives on the village Welfare Committee – Gwen Davies and Carol Thomas.

At the end of the evening, tea and biscuits were enjoyed by all and the monthly competition was held: ‘An attractive-looking scent bottle’.

Mrs Wright and Mrs Lovell had the honour of being the adjudicators and the winner was Ceinwen Roach, with Avril Jones in second place and Alice Davies in third place.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, 5 November at Capel-y-Groes Vestry with a cake-decorating demonstration by Ruth’s cakes.

Welfare committee

THE committee has arranged a lunch for the elderly who live in the catchment area of Llanwnnen village.

The two-course lunch will be held at Cegin Gareth at 12.30pm on Wednesday, 21 November, at a cost of £18 per head.

The committee will be contributing £10 towards the lunch of all residents aged 70 or over.

Others who are younger than 70 years of age are welcome to come to the lunch, numbers permitting.

Names and payment to Erika Davies, Felinban 01570 434548 by 8 November.

If you’re a member of a club, society or group, send your news to [email protected]