A Cardigan man has been handed a community order after appearing in court to plead guilty to charges of criminal damage, assault of a police officers and racially aggravated harassment.

Ashley Williams, of Flat 2, Pentop, Golwg y Castell, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 13 December.

The 41-year-old admitted using racially aggravated harassment during an incident in Cardigan on 5 December.

He also admitted assaulting Pc Pilarz on the same day.

Williams also pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal damage to Dyfed-Powys Police property during the same incident.

Williams was handed a 14 month community order by magistrates.

The order includes a two month nightly curfew, 20 days of Thinking Skills programme and up to 10 days of rehabilitation activities.

Williams must also pay a total of £200 in compensation to the officer involved and to Dyfed-Powys Police.

Williams must also pay costs to the Crown Prosecution Service of £85 as well as a surcharge to fund victim services of £114.