PRIMARY pupils in the Tregaron area will be enjoying new school surroundings as the development at Ysgol Henry Richard is set for completion on time.

The 3-16 school is being redeveloped and refurbished as part of a £5m 21st Century Schools programme, with 50 per cent funding from Welsh Government.

Ceredigion County Council officer Allan Bailey updated the scrutiny committee on Wednesday on progress at the site with completion of the primary school area due at the end of August.

Mr Bailey said this was slightly later than planned but he was “optimistic” it would be done with time to allow 10 days for setting up teaching areas and ICT equipment.

The committee heard that the gym completion date had “slipped” to the start of September but this was due to the contractor being asked to prioritise on the primary areas.

The overflow car park and canteen will also be completed by the new term.

Local member Cllr lfan Davies said the school was already at capacity for primary pupils.

“We seem to be building schools that are too small after closing so many,” he added.

But committee vice chairman Cllr Elizabeth Evans said the high numbers “give people confidence in the school.” Adding it was “doomed a couple of years ago and now its full.”

Cllr Davies acknowledged this and welcomed “desperately needed investment” in Tregaron.

See this week’s south papers for the full story, available in shops and as a digital edition tomorrow