Freya Blyth says she is often asked what The Bookshop by the Sea means to her.

Responding, she says the question fills her heart with warmth.

“This bookshop, perched by the waves of Aberystwyth, is not just a business but a manifestation of my deepest values and passions,” said Freya.

“First and foremost, our values revolve around the profound belief that books have the power to transform lives. They are windows to new worlds, mirrors to our own souls, and companions through every stage of life. In every book that finds a home on our shelves, I see the potential to ignite imagination, spark empathy, and foster understanding.”

Freya says The Bookshop by the Sea is a sanctuary for diversity and inclusion.

“We strive to offer a diverse range of voices and perspectives, celebrating the rich tapestry of human experiences. We believe in the power of literature to bridge gaps, open dialogue, and bring people from all walks of life together.

“For me, this bookshop isn’t just a business venture; it’s a labour of love. It’s a place where I can share my passion for storytelling and the written word with all of you. It’s where I can witness the joy on a child’s face as they discover their first book, the delight of a book club engaged in lively discussion, and the shared enthusiasm during our events.

“We are committed to our local community, our fellow bookshops, and our local authors. Together, we are a part of something beautiful, something that goes beyond commerce. We are stewards of the literary tradition, and we are here to keep it alive and thriving for generations to come.

“As I stand in this cosy corner of the world, surrounded by shelves that hold the dreams and wisdom of countless authors, I can’t help but feel deeply grateful for the journey we’ve embarked upon together.

“The Bookshop by the Sea is more than a building; it’s a vessel for stories, dreams, and connections.”

To her supporters, Freya says: “Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support, your love, and your shared passion for books make this little bookshop by the sea an extraordinary place. I cherish each of you and look forward to many more chapters written together.”

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