Llanilar Village Shop is getting in the festive spirit by organising a Christmas raffle to raise money for the Bronglais Chemo Appeal.

Helen Mouton and Keith Pritchard have already raised £700 for the appeal through selling donated books, crafts and other items, and having a collection box on the counter.

Now they hope to get to £1,000 by holding a raffle in the shop, which is in the grounds of the Falcon Inn, at Llanilar, south of Aberystwyth.

Helen said: “We lost my sister, Yvonne Carroll, to breast cancer nine years ago, at the age of 50.

“She had chemotherapy at Bronglais Hospital and the staff were very good to her, so we wanted to support the appeal, which is very close to my heart.

“A purpose-built, new chemotherapy unit will make such a difference.

“I saw first-hand how important the unit was when I worked there as a health care assistant six years ago.”

“The raffle tickets are £2 each and there are some great prizes including a hamper, a lovely Christmas cushion and local honey,” added Helen, who has been running the shop with Keith for the last three years.

“People can pop into the shop to buy tickets and the raffle will be drawn on Sunday, 18 December.­

“Customers and staff have been so generous, with donated items to sell and now with donations of raffle prizes.”

For further information on the appeal, which was launched to raise the final £500,000 needed for construction of a new chemotherapy day unit to start and has now reached its target, go to the Hywel Dda Health Charities website at www.­hywelddahealthcharities.org.uk