Barmouth WI met in Parlwr Mawr at the Dragon Theatre at 7pm on Wednesday, 28 June.

The speaker was Ray Perry from The Steps Jewellers, Church Street.

His talk, entitled How I Became a Jeweller, was highly informative, members heard all about his interesting life shaping his journey in becoming a local jeweller of over 40 years.

On 8 June a group of Barmouth members, together with some little helpers, planted the wall surrounding the leisure centre with geraniums and snap dragons, keeping Barmouth looking beautiful.

Last month the ladies also enjoyed a meal at the Sandbanks Hotel in Barmouth, a county quiz at Llanelltyd Village Hall, an invitation to Harlech WI and Frongoch WI, and a very pleasant day trip on the Talyllyn Railway.

Forthcoming events include the 11 July Walking Treasure Hunt in Bala.

Next month they will take part in the Netta Irvine Ladies Bowling Competition on 5 August, and on 23 August the WI will be gearing up for the County Show in Harlech where members will enter competitions, be volunteering as stewards and serving refreshments in the WI tent.

In September they will enjoy a guided tour of Harlech Castle on the 18th, while the week of the 11th to the 18th will be the WI week of river action.

The next meeting will be on 26 July at 7pm when members will enjoy an evening of food, tasting from dishes and desserts brought in by their fellow members. Visitors are welcome.

Are you a member of a group in your community? Do you have news, photos and videos of your latest activities to share? Send them to [email protected]