John Evans turned 93 years old on Wednesday, 24 May.

Lampeter Bridge Club could not let this milestone pass unnoticed so on 23 May a cake was included with the buffet and the members present raised a glass to their oldest player who is still keeping them on their toes.

He partnered Chris Dennis but couldn’t take the top spot, finishing second; in fact joint second along with Anne and Arwel Williams and Sue and Simon Worboys!

There were only two tables, three pairs finishing second and the odd ones out, Dai Hayes and Jim Simpson, were first by a country mile. 81% a fantastic result, 39 points out of 48, 10 tops (20 points) above all the others (on 19 points, 39%). It wasn’t the cards favouring North South (Dai and Jim were static all evening) they worked hard for their victory. On Board 8 they were the only ones to bid to a small slam (12 tricks) in Diamonds both NS pairs made all 13 tricks but pair 3NS only bid to game (5D) so ending up 500 points down on that board! When converted to Match Points it was a top but like all other tops still only worth two points. Jim and Dai are yo-yoing between first and last spots: last the previous week (16th) and first the one before that (9th).

Andrew Phillips will partner John on 30 May to give Dai and Jim a run for their money. With Jay and Richard Clay back from London there should be three full tables for a change.

You are welcome to join at the Royal Oak every Tuesday at 6pm.

Contact Norman Turner at [email protected] or on 01570 471591, or Christine­ Dennis on 01974 272410.

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