Letter to the Editor: I have read the Relationships and Sexual Education code (as recommended by Jeremy Miles MS in Behind The News, Let’s talk about sex, Cambrian News, 18 January) and far from being reassured, I am frankly disturbed by its contents.

I wonder if he’s actually read it himself?

A couple of examples : Children from the age of three years are to be taught the awareness of how human bodies change as they grow. Does this mean puberty?

Children from the age of seven will be taught about reproduction, menstrual health and significant physical and emotional changes during puberty.

Also “an awareness of how people can feel attracted to others as they mature and how this can lead to emotional and physical responses” — my italics.

I would personally urge parents to research Professor E Reynold and agenda to see the influencers behind this RSE curriculum!

Nikky Govier,

Tremafon Flats