Road safety concerns have led Powys planners to refuse a proposal for more holiday accommodation on the outskirts of Llangurig.

In January, an application was lodged to change the use of land to form an extension to an existing holiday lodge site at Felin Fawr.

The scheme would have seen six more holiday lodges - trebling the current site capacity of three.

Document said: “The proposal is for six one bedroom, two person holiday lodges that has the appearance typical holiday lodge appearance on agricultural land adjoining the existing enterprise of holiday lodges at Felin Fawr.

“The site is very sustainable by being a short walk from the site to the local village of Llangurig.”

Documents added the proposals would be an “extension to a rural enterprise and would “inevitably” help support local businesses and increase tourism.

The site which is just past the roundabout that turns towards Llangurig would be just off the A470 main road and as part of the consultation process Welsh Government highway authority officials have raised concerns about the proposal.

They said: “The Welsh Government as highway authority for the A470 directs that planning permission is not granted at this time” due to a lack of information.