
On Sunday, 15 November, the Aberystwyth Group of Freedom from Torture held a sponsored litter-pick. Rather than clear the relatively litter-free beach, we decided this year to clean the centre of Aberystwyth.

Within around 10 sacks of litter that we collected were over 30 disposable face masks. As well as being an obvious infection hazard, these masks can also be dangerous to birds and small animals since the elasticated ear straps may get tangled around their necks, feet or wings.

Whilst we are sure that local residents are not deliberately throwing masks onto the streets, we would like to make a plea to all that when they remove these masks that they store them carefully until they can dispose of them safely.

If anyone would like to make a contribution towards the litter pick please visit the ‘Aberystwyth Freedom from Torture Group’ Facebook page and follow the instructions given there.

Gethin Roberts Aberystwyth Freedom From Torture, Rhydyfelin

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