Montgomeryshire MS Russell George has said that he is “delighted” to have been appointed Shadow Minister for Mid Wales, saying the area “has not been given sufficient attention by the Welsh Government.”

Mr George, who previously held the shadow health portfolio before a reshuffle by Welsh Conservatives leader Andrew R T Davies last month, said the creation of a dedicated mid Wales shadow minister was a “commitment” to the region.

“It’s a statement that we feel Mid Wales has not been given sufficient attention by the Welsh Labour Government,” he said.

“But it’s more than just a statement. It’s a commitment to Mid Wales.

“The Welsh Government has been a government primarily of, and for, South Wales.

“Every First Minister of Wales has represented a South Wales constituency, and four of them have represented Cardiff constituencies.

“In fact, the furthest from Cardiff Bay a First Minister has ever come from is Bridgend.

“But as Welsh Conservatives, we want to be a government of all of Wales.

“We have MSs from South Wales, but we also have a strong presence in West Wales, North Wales and Mid Wales, and a track record of delivering for those communities and for standing up for them against a Welsh Government that too often forgets that Wales exists outside of the M4 corridor.

“I want to build on that by putting forward a positive economic strategy for Mid Wales, which will include boosting our connectivity and marketing the products our businesses produce and make to the world.

“If there was a voice speaking for Mid Wales around the Labour Welsh Government’s Cabinet table, they would surely be stepping in to prevent the closure of Welshpool’s Air Ambulance base.

“While there are issues facing our communities, there are also huge opportunities, and a dedicated Minister for Mid Wales would be perfectly positioned to work across government portfolios to help us realise those opportunities.

“I want to build on the work we’ve done together.

“This, and future Welsh Governments should have a Minister for Mid Wales, driving a change to benefit communities across the whole region.”