A GROUP of Aberystwyth postal workers have raised £3,000 by completing a 38 mile hike.

The group took on the May Evans Way challenge on 5 May in memory of a friend and colleague, John Walker, who passed away last year.

The 38-mile walk, which took the group from Pontrhydfendigaid to Borth, took them just over 14 hours to complete, passing through Bontgoch, Ystumtuen, Cwmystwyth and Pontrhydygroes.

Speaking before the walk, Rob Crumpler explained: "Basically a group of us at Royal Mail Aberystwyth try and do a charity event every year.

"The charity this year is Cancer Research UK, we chose this because we sadly lost a colleague of ours late last year to the disease, so we would like to dedicate this years event to him."