COMMUNITY groups from Ceredigion and Powys are welcoming the New Year with news of a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund.

Age Cymru Powys, EPIC Dad Community Interest Company, and Long Wood Community Woodland are part of 90 groups across Wales receiving National Lottery cash to use towards projects that bring isolated people together in warm spaces, to support people struggling with the rising cost of living, and to improve the wellbeing of vulnerable people.

Age Cymru Powys successfully applied for a grant for £99,760 to deliver a Later Life MOT for people aged 65+ in Powys for the next two years.

The project will target the most deprived, vulnerable, and frail in the community to maximise their income, health, and wellbeing.

Gail Colbridge, Chief Officer at Age Cymru Powys, said: “We are extremely excited to be awarded this grant by The National Lottery Community Fund. “This funding will help us respond to the needs of older people here in Powys to combat the cost-of-living crisis and tackle the challenges older people face, often alone.

“We cannot wait to start the Age UK Later Life MOT’s project.”

EPIC Dad Community Interest Company in Ceredigion will offer wellbeing and practical support activities for fathers, father figures, and families who are struggling because of the cost-of-living crisis.

£10,000 will fund staff costs, games equipment, craft materials, stationery, publicity, venue hire, refreshments, travel expenses, and family resources.

Long Wood Community Woodland in Ceredigion will safeguard the future of the organisation through the cost-of-living crisis by allowing them to continue with their successful community woodland, launch a new education programme and expand their product range.

The grant of £40,000, over one year, will fund £31,100 revenue and £8,900 capital.

The revenue will contribute to the total annual costs of £75,500 to run the scheme, with the balance of funding being funded by Ceredigion County Council, Rural Payments Wales grants and increased trading.

John Rose, Wales Director at The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “It’s wonderful to see the impact our funded projects are having in people’s lives and across communities Wales.”