A free outdoor show touring the UK comes to Pwllheli today.

Warning Notes is described as an immersive sonic experience of suspense and shifting sounds. Using an ensemble of visually striking mechanical ‘instruments’ - gongs, bells, whistles and explosive events - Warning Notes creates a rich and powerful soundscape that gives voice to the current social and ecological alarm that ripples across our world.

A new show by international artist Mark Anderson that is improvised and responsive to audience and environment, Warning Notes is playful and hypnotic, inviting us to listen to the present and contemplate both personal and global stories - and our future together.

For children to adults. Workshop and accessible performances available. Created in collaboration with Liam Walsh and funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Co-commissioned and co-presented by OCM.

Warning Notes comes to Oriel Plas Glyn y Weddw in Pwllheli today and tomorrow, Friday and Saturday, 20 and 21 October, from 4pm-8pm.

Drop in any time during the performance and stay as long as you like.

Warning Notes is described as an immersive sonic experience of suspense and shifting sounds
Warning Notes is described as an immersive sonicexperience of suspense and shifting sounds (Picture supplied)