A toilet block in Cardigan will now close early in a bid to curb “continued vandalism”, a meeting has heard.

Cardigan Town Councillors heard at a meeting on 3 October that the public toilets in Lower Mwldan had been vandalised three times in the previous week.

The toilets have long been the subject of vandalism, with Elaine Evans, county councillor for the Teifi ward, reporting last year that Ceredigion County Council officers had been forced to temporarily close the public conveniences situated near the Lower Mwldan car park “due to an unprecedented wave of vandalism”.

Cllr Evans told councillors at the meeting that the toilets had been vandalised again, this time by someone throwing hair dye.

“It is disappointing that the toilets on Lower Mwldan have been vandalised again,” she said.

“Last week someone has thrown hair dye all over the public conveniences three times.

“To curb vandalism Ceredigion will now close the toilets at 3.30pm every day.

“Cardigan is not the only town that is subject to continuous vandalism of public toilets.”

After last year’s spate of vandalism at the toilets, patrols by officers from Dyfed-Powys Police of the area were stepped up in a bid to tackle the growing problem.