A community campaign to raise enough money to buy the local pub has reached its target.

The Menter yr Eagles team can go ahead with purchasing the Eagles pub, Llanuwchllyn for the community having raised £300,000 through the sale of shares and receiving £128,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with Gwynedd Council’s support.

Menter yr Eagles will buy the pub from Eleri and Meirion Pugh who are retiring after 20 years of tireless service.

The team has also secured a tenant to run the pub, shop and restaurant on the community’s behalf, and hope to have a tenant in place before Christmas.

Chair Menter yr Eagles Grisial Llewelyn said: “We’re delighted to finally announce that we’ve made it! We’ve been overwhelmed by the support received from the community here in Llanuwchllyn and from friends and organisations from all over Wales, the UK and indeed the world.

“This has been a tremendous collective effort that has really shone a light on the power of community. Huge congratulations and thanks to all who have been involved and who have invested.

“Our focus now is on completing the purchase as soon as possible and to get the new tenant in place before Christmas.

“Whilst we’ve secured enough funding to purchase the Eagles there is some development work that needs to be done on the building so we’re leaving our fund open to those who did not want to buy a share but who might want to support our initiative.

“Donations can be made at square.link/u/pdiwog66.

“We’re also very keen to emphasise how ambitious we are on behalf of this community - we very much see buying the Eagles as a first step towards delivering further projects and activities that benefit the whole community, today and for the future”.

Eleri Pugh, owner Yr Eagles, said: “I don’t think it was ever in doubt that Menter yr Eagles and this community would succeed. The Eagles and Llanuwchllyn have been a huge part of our lives for over 20 years. We’re very happy that the place will now be owned and run by the community. The Eagles is going to be in very good hands!”

Mabon ap Gwynfor MS said: “This is excellent news. The Eagles is a beloved and very special institution for the community and the thousands who visit every year. This venture is rooted in the community and works for the community, this venture is about the warm and inclusive welcome for all and always, and at its heart this venture is about the value and valuing of the Welsh language. I wish Menter yr Eagles every success on the exciting journey ahead.”