Meirionnydd Ramblers' walk this week is to Tomen y Mur on Sunday, 23 July.

The route visits the Roman site at Tomen y Mur, encompassing a training field, amphitheatre and road, plus the remains of a Norman castle motte.

Starting from the lakeside at Trawsfynydd, we head up over grazing fields and on a rough moorland track, enjoying views of the lake and the distant Rhinogydd.

There will be time to explore the remains before heading back to the start where, if the café is open, we can enjoy tea and cake.

This five-mile walk has a local grade of C and a national grade of moderate.

The circular walk will start at 10.30am at Trawsfynydd Power Station car park (grid ref SH696383) and is estimated to finish at around 2.30pm. Start times are often when the group will start walking rather than when to get there.

Contact the leader, Rosie T, on 07599 086411 for further information.

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