Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

A bonus or financial gift will lift your spirits. You enjoy starting projects and you will be keen to get going with something new. Needless to say you will be delighted to have the wherewithal, either now or some time soon, to turn ideas into reality. There’s a deepening sense of trust and permanency in a close partnership. This makes you feel closer than ever while still allowing you a measure of freedom.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

Pushing yourself past your limits will take its toll on your health. There is nothing wrong with working hard but you will be putting your mental and physical health under strain if you don’t respect the need to balance effort with relaxation. Seek help from a financial advisor if you are wondering about where you can make reductions. There’s a strong urge to look for outlets for your creative imagination.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

Since you aren’t feeling like your usual positive and outgoing self you might benefit from doing something that will brighten your spirits. Take some time off work if you could do with a change. A break from your normal routines will help you come to terms with any difficulties you are going through. Once you’ve made a decision you will be able to get on with your life.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

Health or financial problems are making you anxious. Remember: you don’t have to suffer on your own. It’s important to talk about your problems. Ask for help from organisations set up to help in specific ways. Releasing your feelings will feel therapeutic in itself. When it comes to shared budget discussions, don’t feel pressured into going along with a partner’s preferences.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

Unexpected hurdles block your progress. You have more strength than you might think to weather this disappointment. The key is to sort out a situation that has been a thorn in your side for some time. Just to please a friend who has expensive tastes, you could be persuaded to splash out on items you don’t need. For that matter, someone who has more money than sense should be avoided.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

You have some great plans for the future. These could be a huge success if you get started on them within the next seven days. Take time to work out exactly what you want to do and where you want to be. Share your ideas with your family and friends as they too might want to join you. The sympathetic response to a secret shared will make you glad you have finally come out with it.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

Rising prices makes it more difficult to meet your daily costs. You should not get into further debt to pay bills or essential living costs. If you’re struggling financially, extra borrowing will make matters worse. Seek help and you need to do this as early as possible. Whether it is increasing a term of a debt or remortgaging there are measures that can be taken to make life a little easier. Reach out.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

There are times in the past when you have put yourself out for the people who are refusing to give you any help when you need it. You wonder why someone is being so contrary and unhelpful. Even so, at least now you know that you have been used and if others have abused your friendship, you will be better off making new friends. A community effort will call for some far-sighted action.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

This is not a good time for being secretive. You will be giving off the wrong message if you refuse to talk. If you’re asked about an opinion about a domestic matter, respond with honesty. It will pay not to beat about the bush. The more straight-forward you are, the sooner things can be sorted out. You might aim to add more travel to your life over the months ahead, even if it’s just locally.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

You prefer your own methods but when others put forward suggestions on streamlining work, be prepared to consider these. Although you have other things on your mind you don’t want to be too quick to dismiss ideas that might make your life easier in the future. Besides, ignoring them might upset someone and you could lose out too by passing some good opportunities by.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

You might feel you are letting someone down by having to turn down their request for help. This is a person who has become overly reliant on you. They can’t keep looking to you to pick them up as you always have and you can’t keep doing everything for them. Your own best interests and peace of mind are what’s important now. Do what you feel is right for you when you feel it is the right time to act.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

Your thoughts on a challenging assignment will be far-sighted and practical. Someone will doubt your reasoning. Be ready with facts to support your ideas. Other people will soon come around to your way of thinking once they have looked further into this matter. If and when you start feeling tense and touchy, a walk or a soak in a scented bath will help recharge your emotional batteries.

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