Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

Someone who is new to your life has been feeling lonely and they will be grateful for your friendship and company. You won’t mind being there for them but listen to what they are saying about their past relationships. You might sense this is a friendship that could abruptly end when they no longer need you. A new romance will develop at a whirlwind pace. Hold on to your hat.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

Life is getting complicated. Dreams can come true but as you start realising your dreams, changes need to be made. You might start questioning whether this is what you really want so be careful what you wish for. The costs of goods and services seem yet again to be rising. You’re wearily wondering when pressure on the household budget will start to ease. Your greatest success will be by following your instincts.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

You will want to put more thought into joint plans of a long-term nature. Because you have a lot on, you may not be able to give some matters any lengthy consideration. For this reason you should hold back from making a big commitment. You aren’t saying no but what you are doing is taking time to consider. Your judgement is spot-on and by the end of the week you will know you are making the right decisions.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

You will find it hard to ignore your curiosity about someone you meet at a Christmas party or some other festive gathering. Something makes you want to find out more about them. If you are single, this could lead to the start of a meaningful relationship. Follow your heart. If you are wondering whether you can trust someone, events later in the week will provide you with the answer.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

Work and domestic problems should be viewed as challenges that can be overcome. You can and will find solutions. Just keep telling yourself that whatever Fate might throw your way you will find a means to achieve your goals. High levels of sensitivity along with your natural friendly personality will make you popular and in demand.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

Someone you have recently met or have started to work with will try to dominate your time. It won’t be easy to get them to understand that there are other people you want and need to be with this festive season. If you have just started dating, you will start to notice little things about your partner that make you question this relationship. Compromise can help to resolve issues.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

You have a lot to think about and this makes you seem distracted to others. Even those who are close to you are finding It hard to understand you. They want you to talk but you aren’t certain of how you feel and until you understand yourself you would rather not say anything. It takes courage to let people know your thoughts and feelings and you aren’t yet ready to reveal yours. An insurance policy will mature.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

It doesn’t matter how persuasive someone is trying to be, refuse to make a decision you might later regret. If anyone wishes you to join them in some travel plans or social activities, they need to give you time to think about it. A housemate will be restless. Despite giving them ideas on how to use their energy, their hyperactive behaviour will irritate you and you might decide to leave them to it.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

A small problem will delay progress which will be frustrating. You might find it difficult to raise much in the way of enthusiasm for the job. Try if you can to stick to routine chores both at home and at work and preferably tasks that don’t require a lot in the way of mental effort. Festive celebrations may end up somewhat different from those you had originally planned due to extra company deciding to join.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

Have you been trying to track down a friend you lost touch with years ago? If so, a strange twist in events could lead you to this person, or lead them to you. Any help you give to a local charity or community project will be gratefully received. A relative’s health and well-being is of concern to you but you don’t want them to feel like you are prying. There will be ways to keep an eye on them.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

You’ve recently gone out of your way to help out a workmate or neighbour. Your kindness will be repaid threefold now. Are you looking for a job? Someone who is grateful for a favour you recently did for them will be instrumental in leading you to a new position. Romance will receive a boost when you will be left in no doubt about your partner’s feelings for you.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

You’re drawn to group and community activities that have a purpose. Even if you have a lot on, you will still make time for your favourite charity. Volunteer work is a natural extension of your caring personality. Joint plans will bring some great rewards. Senior colleagues will be impressed by your ability to bring people together. By the end of the week you will be enjoying life’s little pleasures.

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