This week’s the Cambrian News carries worrying news that should concern every parent who has a child of secondary school age in Ceredigion.

It is news too that should worry every taxpayer in this county.

And it ought to worry every county councillor too — except that the majority of them have shown themselves to be too out of touch to actually care. Or do anything.

But they should now.

Ceredigion County Council wants to radically overhaul the way sixth form education is delivered in six secondary schools. Or rather than the current six, it could very well be just a single school — likely in Aberaeron. Where else, of course. It is the centre of the Ceredigion universe as far as those who sit in the council chamber are concerned — more so for the staff employed by the council who don’t sit there. They’re all working from home now.

The issue is about money — at least on the surface.

A report before a Ceredigion County Council committee is proposing overhauling the way sixth form courses are delivered. As the report rightly points out, the plan will generate a lot of opposition.


We hope it does.

And not just about the fact that the cost of running sixth form education is coming in at more than ­£1.8 million over budget.

We hope that this issue is a turning point in the way people view the council — and those who are overpaid to run it.

Consider that this council has failed when it comes to a duty of care for the elderly of Ceredigion. There is not a single acute care home bed anywhere.

Consider that this council is now running one of the largest deficits in its finances compared to other local authorities in Wales.

Consider that this proposal would, if the preferred option goes through, have students bussed over the worst roads in Wales to Aberaeron for classes. It will fail our young.

If ever there was a need for every councill­or to listen to those who elected them – and not to the bureaucrats to whom they seem blindly beholden – it is now.

We are at this point because of the shameful lack of proper oversight by the majority of our councillors.

It’s time that changed. If senior council staff can’t manage our old and our young, what the heck are they doing? And what are our councillors doing about that?

What do you think? Send a letter to the editor: [email protected]