Last week in the Senedd, Welsh Conservatives tabled a motion of no confidence in the Welsh Government’s Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan.

The motion was brought by the Welsh Tories over what they say is “the disgraceful handling of the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board by the Labour Government in Wales and other recent health scandals”.

The health board was in special measures for nearly six years before being taken out ahead of the elections to the Welsh Parliament in 2021, despite crucial failings not being addressed. Last month, it was put back into special measures with the health minister demanding the resignation of independent members of the health board, while leaving the acting chief executive and other executive team members, who are responsible for the day to day running of the health service in north Wales, in place.

While the Conservatives focused on the particular troubled board, the reality is that across this nation, health care and social services are abysmal.

We wonder when was the last time the minister tried to register to become a patient at any surgery in Wales?

Has she ever tried to book an appointment to see a GP? Does she have a secret password to get through the guardians of the surgery switchboard?

How long will she wait to see a specialist?

Does she know what it’s like to wait for hours on end for an ambulance to come?

Has she ever sat in the back of an ambulance for hours on end, simply waiting to get into an A&E department?

Would she know how long it takes to get seen, once inside the hospital? How long to wait in a corridor for a bed on a ward? How long to wait in a ward to get a place in social care home? To wait for a social care package to be written and approved?

Has she ever, like one-in-five in this nation, resorted to do-it-yourself dentistry because there’s a five-year wait to see an NHS dentist?

Does she know that waiting lists are getting longer, not being reduced, for a whole range of serious and life-threatening conditions?

The Welsh Conservatives formal motion of no confidence may have failed.

The Welsh people have made up their own mind long ago on the minister and her broken, sick system.