New Quay RNLI has received a generous donation of a £1,000 from the Slawson family.

Their son, Wayne, is a member of the volunteer crew at New Quay RNLI and when his grandmother, Mrs Beryl Slawson, of Brymbo, Wrexham, passed away in July, she left £1,000 in her will to New Quay Lifeboat Station.

Wayne’s Dad, Gerard recently visited the station and said, “My mother passed away this summer and left £1,000 in her will to New Quay Lifeboat Station. She was so proud of Wayne being part of the crew, and all those volunteering to help save lives at sea at New Quay Lifeboat Station.”

Roger Couch, New Quay RNLI’s Lifeboat Operations Manager said, “We would like to thank the late Mrs Slawson for her generous donation to New Quay Lifeboat Station. Without these kind donations our crew would not have the correct equipment or training needed to save lives at all. Remember if you would like to donate to our Shannon appeal this year please go online to”